Frequently Asked Questions

Is TKN just a manufacturer or does it also render IT consultancy and implementation services?

Our services philosophy is to satisfy our customers’ needs. Tkn isn’t just a systems company; it is rather a source of simple solutions to complex issues.
That’s why we render a comprehensive solution, providing assistance during the whole implementation process and offering our customers technical and consultancy support.

What is the basis for the power of Tkn products?

Tkn products are a result of market understanding –achieved after years of research and analysis on reality and trends- and the introduction of high-technology tools into our expertise.

Which are the benefits of an ERP system such as Selectum?

Selectum is an integrated system for each and every area of the company, offering online accounting and operational information for the improvement of management processes and tools. Reduction of operating costs/Increase in operating income.

Why to choose an ERP?

Profitability of ERP implementati> ? of competitiveness. Process standardization and integration. Availability and quality of data. Reduction of process cycles. Rates of returns on investment (ROI between 10% and 30%). Competitive advantages over rivals. Better corporate reputation. Better Medical Test. Better control. Reduces medical mistakes. Easy access to patient information. Online notification for patients. Improving coordination among areas. Advanced statistical analyses and report generation. Highest quality assistance. Customer’s full satisfaction.

Why to choose an ERP as Selectum?

Selectum is the only complete ERP developed for the health field. Accounting architecture for the financial industry. Multi-level configurable tools for each kind of institution. Online control panel. Ongoing technological development. Support, Implementation and Plan Director, key in the Project.


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